According to the Bylaws in our Constitution a life member is defined as:
Active Life Membership shall be open to:
(a) An ordinary member by resolution of the Association who has rendered long and valuable service to the Association and / or on behalf of the Association may be considered for election to Life Membership of the Association;
(b) Nominations for Life Membership shall be submitted to the Executive for approval 28 days prior to the AGM. The nomination must be:
(i) In writing; and
(ii) Delivered to the Secretary on or before the date for the close of nominations
(c) The Executive Committee may from time to time determine Life Membership on any member providing conditions in By-Law 26.3(a) are met.
Retired Life Membership shall be open to:
(a) A Life Member upon retirement from his or her position.
These wonderful, amazing humans have given a lot to the Association over the years and were deemed worthy of this prestigious honour.
Marlene Brown
John Charlton
Jenny Cole
Jenny Crake
Darryl Denic
John Exeter
Fiona Forbes
Ted Kelley
Raewyn Lewer
Eve Lucas
Adrien Piers
Margaret Rutherford
Judith Smailes
Roger Smailes
Sylvia Torvaldsen
Andrew Wilson
Linda Lane
Pauline Winrow
Ros Hamling
Patricia Watts