(Posted Nov 21 2023)

Hello Everyone,
On Thursday I will be attending a Preservice Teacher recruitment drive. If any of you have vacancies that you are still trying to fill, please can you email me back with the number of Teachers you need and what the role is e.g. DOTT.
I am planning to have a signup sheet that I can gather names on and will email you the list if you have vacancies. I can also promote your school if you let me know what you need.
Many of you will have seen the School Upgrade Fund advertised in the Ed email today. This is geared to our settings, as generally we meet the criteria of low Index of Community Socio-educational Advantage (ICSEA), no significant capital funding in two years and this is specifically for schools who cater to disadvantaged students.
They have up to 25 million to spend and the projects have to be over $250,000.
Please do not miss you chance to get a refurbishment, or new facilities or an upgrade.
Warmest regards,
Debi Taylor