(Posted Oct 15 2023)

Happy Friday Everyone, It’s been an interesting week for me this week. My thanks to all of you who spoke with a member of the Executive about reduction of red tape and if you now employ someone to look after Therapists and/or liaising with the family and NDIS over pathway planning for our school leavers. This information has been sent to the Minister to be part of his review. Those of you who attended the Conference you know that I am establishing a Research and development committee to be able to respond to things like this, if you are interested, please let me know. Often the turnaround of these sorts of things is very quick.
On Wednesday I met with the Minister in our normal 1:1 meeting as you can imagine the Disability Royal Commission came up and we talked about it. He is still very supported of us and is behind parent choice. He is also aware that we have a lot of scared upset parents who think that they will try and close our schools. Politically it isn’t something any Government is going to try and do, apart from anything financially it is impossible.
The Commission’s report is going to create a lot of work for the Department and how they are going to respond to the different recommendations. So, it’s a watch this space.
I had a very productive meeting with Murdoch University School of Education. Firstly, they want to say how welcoming all the education support settings have been in taking their preservice teachers. They are very keen to expand this work and ensure all their preservice teachers do a placement in an education support setting. Which is good news. I am going to be working with them over the next couple of years to review and develop all their courses so that the education support component of all their degrees is current and responsive to students with a disability.
I have been working with the Department on three initiatives they are wanting to offer which, when they get through will makes a huge difference to the Education Assistants, we have in our schools who are also preservice teachers. I cannot give you any more information at the moment as it hasn’t been signed off as yet.
Next week we are running our WAESPAA Education Support short course. My thanks to all of you who are hosting one of the participants in your school next Wednesday. We have 16 preservice teachers attending the training which is a great number.
Finally, here are a couple of articles which you might be interested in one is from The Conversation and Other the Sydney Morning Herald https://www.smh.com.au/national/segregation-no-for-our-family-david-s-special-school-met-all-his-needs-20231003-p5e9ag.html
‘She is cared for and feels that she belongs’: what parents think of special schools
Have a wonderful weekend.
Warmest regards,
Debi Taylor